

This website is on one hand a community for Ferrari fans that can find information about Ferrari on this website and on the other hand a place where the owners and contributors of this platform write about Ferrari. Whether it’s about a certain car or subject, the opinion shaped is from the author and you have all rights to disagree with statements throughout the website.

Although we try our very best to secure and offer correct information throughout our website, it may be the case that the completeness, reliability and/or accuracy of the information we re(produce) is questionable. We try to inform you if that’s the case and we will NOT share incomplete, unreliable, or inaccurate information on purpose.


We want to inform our readers and users that the views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the blogs belong solely to the author, and not necessarily to ROSSOautomobili as a whole. We value our respect to Ferrari very high, so do not expect negative things about the brand, although we can, and will, show our utmost opinion where it is applicable. Our readers and visitors have all rights to disagree with information we offer you, and we thus for welcome a discussion about the subject our readers and visitors may disagree on.


Although we try to be very secure and offer correct information about specifications of a certain car, some specifications might be notoriously variable, inaccurate, and definitively vague, even from Ferrari-issued sources. This may be the case with classic cars, Special Projects and others. Often the workshop manual documents and the owner’s manual documents did not display the same figures. We try to inform you if that’s the case.

Use at your own risk

You may like to use information, blogs, pictures etc. posted on this website for your own purpose. Although we advise you to first read the terms and conditions in doing so, because it may not be allowed, reproducing information posted on our website is at your own risk. Like stated above, we may share incomplete, unreliable, or inaccurate information throughout the website. That’s not on purpose and we always try to tell our visitors and readers if the given information is unclear to us, but we still like to share it. None of the authors, contributors or anyone else connected with and to ROSSOautomobili, in any form whatsoever, can be responsible for your (re)production of the information contained on our website.

Fair use

This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available to explain more about a certain subject. We will always try to reach out to the owner of the material, but it may be hard to. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond fair use, you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. If our readers and visitors find material posted on our website that belongs to them or someone they may know, please get in touch by sending an email to info@rossoautomobili.com.

Legal disclaimer

The use of manufacturers’ names, symbols, type designations, and/or descriptions is solely for reference purposes. It does not imply that ROSSOautomobili is related or affiliated to other manufacturers. The use of racing term and/or driver names, symbols, starting numbers, and/or descriptions is solely for reference purposes.